Our past events
Semaine de la mobilitie – Lausanne. Sept 2023
Final6 delivered a Kids Cup to 150 children at the quai de Belgique.
Inauguration of the Morges pump track – Sept 2023
Cyclophile Morgien and Final6 provided coaching at the inauguration of the Morge pump track.
Final6 has provided technical coaching for Israel PremierTech Roland girls – July 2023
Pro bono coaching for the Israel Premier Tech girls on the technical demands of road and criterium racing.
Final6 Kids Cup at the TCS Centre in Cossonay. 5th and 7th July and 16th August 2023
Coaching security and agility.
Final6 Kids Cup Morges. 3rd July 2023
Coaching and agility for children.
Championnats Suisses CLM 2021
Stefan Kung winning the Elite title.
Special guest Thomas Bach. IOC President.
Six years after organising the event Suisse Cycling again contacted us to do the impossible and arrange the Championships at short notice and under COVID restrictions. Another successful event with great support from all our partners to make this happen.
Championnats Suisses Duathon 2020
Nicola Spirig winning the Elite title.
Championnats romands CLM 2020
F6 Chrono and Championship Romands and Cantonal for time trial.
Apples. Vaud.
Championnats Suisses CLM 2015
Final6 were approached by Swiss Cycling to deliver this event at the last minute due to previous organiser pulling out.
Celebrations for the winners and a job well done by Final6.